Bishop Kevin Taylor
and wife, Diana

Service Schedule

  9:30 am - Sunday School
10:30 am - Morning Worship

  7:00 pm - School of Ministry

  7:00 pm - Mid-week Service
  7:00 pm - Youth Service
  7:00 pm - Boys & Girls Clubs


REV. 08/10/2008





What You Can Expect When You Visit Victory Temple


We understand what it is like when you walk into a church for the first time.  Most people have good intentions but procrastinate for fear of the unknown.  Let us help set your mind at ease by giving you some history on the church and telling you what you will see, hear and experience when you visit.




Our church originated around 1941 as one of two churches in Houston affiliated with the Church of God out of Cleveland, Tennessee.  The first building was on Texarkana Street in what is known as the Denver Harbor area of Houston, which is inside the West Loop.  The church eventually moved to Harbor Street in the same area, where it remained for several years, and later relocated to its current location in Channelview.

When Pastors Kevin and Diana Taylor came to Victory Temple over 17 years ago, it was a small church made up of several families. The Lord gave Pastor Taylor a powerful vision for the church and the community and now this church is a constantly growing house of victory! Along with the physical additions of a large Victory Center, the cultural diversity at Victory Temple is apparent from the leadership to the smallest child. We currently represent nations and cities from all over the U.S., the Caribbean and Latin America.

Victory Temple caters to "every age and every stage" of spiritual development. With our nurturing nursery, exciting children's services, Christian Education department, boys' and girls' clubs, youth ministry, coffee house, dance and drama, women's and men's groups, young adult groups, missions, music, evangelism and OWLS...there's always a place to fit in!

Victory Temple is founded on the principles of God's Holy Word, and we believe in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. You will hear the truth, not motivational speeches adjusted to make you feel good, but the unadulterated truth of the Word of God ...after all...it is this truth that sets us free!

The People


We are a diverse group of people who come from varied backgrounds, and are at different stages of knowledge and spiritual growth.  We're not perfect.  We haven’t arrived – we are still on the journey recognizing that we are sinners saved by grace. 


The Setting


When you walk into the church foyer, you will be greeted by hosts and hostesses who will greet you with a genuine smile and a handshake.  They will have a copy of the weekly bulletin that will have a welcome letter in it from our Senior Pastors, as well as announcements of events and activities.  If your first visit is on a Sunday morning, your host or hostess can help you find the appropriate Sunday School class for you and your children.  Once Sunday School is over, you can proceed to the sanctuary where one of our ushers will welcome you and offer their assistance in helping you find a comfortable place to sit and enjoy the service.  Again, if you have children, the host or hostess can direct you to the Victory Center where they can attend Explorer's Children's Church if they are within the age limit.  We also have a nursery where we have attendants who love the opportunity to care for infants and toddlers.


The Opening


Generally, our Associate Pastor, Mike Isham, will open the service with prayer, followed by announcements of upcoming events.  Most of the events are also projected on the screen prior to the beginning of the service.


The Worship Service


We have an awesome Praise & Worship service.  The words are projected on a screen over the platform so you can be free to clap your hands and praise the Lord while you are singing.  We have guitarists, keyboard, piano, drums and various percussion instruments.


The Offering


At Victory Temple, we prefer to place the offering plates on the altar in front of the sanctuary.  At a designated time, Pastor Taylor will invite everyone to bring their offerings and God's tithes and place them in the offering plates. There are envelopes in the pew racks or in the rack on the wall by the sound booth.


During the Service


You may never see what all goes on behind the scenes during the service.  However, there are men and women who volunteer in various areas.  Whether it's someone running the computer that projects the words to the songs during Praise & Worship, or scriptures during the sermon, to the sound technicians fine tuning all the microphones, monitors, speakers, and lighting, to the Media Department videotaping the sermon, to the Ushers assisting people coming in late, we are here to serve you.  While you are enjoying the service, we have teachers and volunteers who are teaching your children, feeding them spiritual food to help them grow up into the man and woman of God that you pray they will become.


The Sermon


Your Bible will get a good work out when Pastor Taylor brings the Word.  He spends untold hours studying and praying for God's direction.  You will literally be amazed when you see and hear him quote scripture after scripture.  Feel free to take notes.  You will find his style to be refreshing as he preaches the whole gospel without watering it down.  Although he preaches on various topics, he's one of the few men of God who still preaches on sin, the blood of Jesus Christ and the cross.  If it's written in the Bible and he starts stepping on your toes, don't expect an apology.  As a former bouncer in a night club, he's as determined to do battle for God as he was to pick a good fight before God saved him.  If you want a Pastor who will love you and pray for you, you'll appreciate having him for your Pastor.


The Invitation


At the end of the sermon, Pastor Taylor will invite anyone to come to the front if they would like someone pray for them. Sometimes people just need encouragement and to know that God hasn't forgotten them. This is a good time to let him know how you are doing and to receive prayer and some encouraging words from people who genuinely care about you.




Periodically, we share in the Lord’s Supper.  You are welcome to share in this with us. As the ushers pass around trays of bread and grape juice, Pastor Taylor will give everyone time to search their hearts, pray, and make sure they have an opportunity to make things right between them and our Lord Jesus Christ.  We take a little piece of bread, generally a wafer, and a little cup of grape juice because those represent Jesus’ body and blood. His body hung on a cross where He died so that we could be forgiven of our sins. His blood (symbolically) covers over us and makes us clean and new. When we partake of the bread and juice, we remember how much Jesus loves us and we celebrate the fact that He has risen from the dead.


Our hearts desire is to love God with all our heart and serve people just like you who will be visiting Victory Temple for the first time.